
Compatible with MDHearing BTE hearing aids.

These exclusive tips are shaped like your ear canal and include a vent in order to provide clear, natural sound and comfort. The closed ComfortTIP has a much smaller venting hole, so it can provide more volume. For the majority of users, we recommend the open ComfortTIP.

For optimal performance, the tips and the tubing should be replaced every three (3) months. Replacing these parts at the same time will keep your hearing aids feeling and sounding like new.

Every MDHearing BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aid comes assembled with open ComfortTIPs (size small). To replace the tips that came on your hearing aid, please select the open fit and size small below.

Price Range: $7.50 - $15.00
Comfort TIP, CLOSED, Medium size, LEFT
Comfort TIP, CLOSED, Medium size, RIGHT
Comfort TIP, CLOSED, Small size, LEFT
Comfort TIP, CLOSED, Small size, RIGHT
Comfort TIP, OPEN, Medium size, LEFT
Comfort TIP, OPEN, Medium size, RIGHT
Comfort TIP, OPEN, Small size, LEFT
Comfort TIP, OPEN, Small size, RIGHT
Comfort TIP, CLOSED, Small size, PAIR
Comfort TIP, CLOSED, Medium size, PAIR
Comfort TIP, OPEN, Small size, PAIR
Comfort TIP, OPEN, Medium size, PAIR