Select Your AIR Model

Over the years, we’ve had multiple series of this hearing aid. The series differ slighty in shape, buttons, and the inscription on the hearing aid. Please select your hearing aid series from the options below.
AIR 3 (Series A)

Inscription on the back of hearing aid: "MDHearing AIR 3 (a)" only

AIR 3 (Series A)
AIR (Series E)

Inscription on the back of hearing aid: “MDHearingAid AIR” inside of a box

AIR (Series E)
AIR (Series H)

Inscription on the back of hearing aid: “MDHearingAid AIR” with a double underline

AIR (Series H)
AIR (Series M)

Inscription on the back of hearing aid: “MDHearingAid AIR” only

AIR (Series M)